We are committed to providing updated information about critical resources as the COVID-19 pandemic deepens the state of crisis in many communities. For this reason, our team updates this list daily as new resources become available and older resources become exhausted. For your convenience, some links have been shortened on this page. For best results, please click desired links instead of copying them to your browser.
COVID-19 Information
¿Deseas obtener más información sobre recursos disponibles?— Rose Ceballos, rose@baysidecc.org, (858) 278-0771 x101
California Updates— California Department of Public Health
San Diego County Updates— www.sandiegocounty.gov
Multi-lingual San Diego County fliers— www.sandiegocounty.gov
Healthy Practices— www.mayoclinic.org or www.sdcoe.net
Want to Help?
Donate— www.baysidecc.org/donate
Volunteer— https://www.baysidecc.org/our-team
Food Donations— www.sandiegofoodbank.org or www.feedingsandiego.org
Conoce Sus Derechos/ Know Your Rights— derechos y herramientas sobre tu situación migratoria, Know Your Rights resources for immigrants and their families, What immigrant communities should know,
ACLU Know Your Rights Training— Register here
Immigration & Citizenship
COVID-19 Testing— www.sandiegocounty.gov or call (888)634-1123
Access to Medication— www.mhanational.org, www.caring.com
Addiction and Substance Abuse— www.addictionresource.net or www.detoxrehabs.net/san-diego or www.startyourrecovery.org
Compare Health and Life Insurance— www.bankrate.com
Senior Care Guide to Cancer— www.abestos.com
Mesothelioma Treatment Centers— www.abestos.com/treatment
Food Security & Household Items
CalFresh— www.getcalfresh.org
Food Delivery for Seniors— Jewish Family Services, (858) 637-3230 click here for information about your location or Serving Seniors, (619)-235-6572 and press 1
Non-perishable Items— JFS distributes bagged food Monday-Thursday from 10:00am-5:00pm and Friday from 10am-4pm at their offices on 8804 Balboa avenue (drive through only) or www.my211.force.com
Senior Food Distribution— The Church of Latter Day Saints, 6840 Osler St., SD 92111 - second Saturday of month from 10:30am-12:30pm and fourth Wednesday of the month from 9:30am-11:00am
Housing & Utilities
Affordable Housing Resource Guide— www.sdhc.org
Assisted Living— www.assistedliving.org
Energy Savings— www.sdge.com
Homeless Shelters— www.shelterlistings.org
Housing and Shelter— www.211.force.com
Rental Assistance— www.sandiegocounty.gov
Utilities Assistance— www.sdge.com or the California Department of Community Services and Development
Job Security & Disability Insurance
Resume Templates— www.resumetemplates.com
Disability Insurance— www.edd.ca.gov
General Information— www.edd.ca.gov
Unemployment or Lost Wages— www.edd.ca.gov or file a claim or a partial claim.
Paid Family Leave for Caregivers— www.edd.ca.gov
Bartender Emergency Assistance Program— USBG National Charity Foundation
Mental & Emotional Health
Suicide Prevention HotLine— San Diego County Suicide Prevention Council or call (888)724-7240
Helping Children in the Aftermath of a Shooting— National Association of School Psychologists
Helpful Articles and Practical Tips— www.healthline.com
Helping Children— www.childmind.org
Just Need to Talk?— www.mentalhealthsf.org