Meet Nadia Arambula- Visionary, Entrepreneur, and Leader
/Nadia Arambula is the Director of Ballet Folklorico El Tapatio de San Dieguito based out of Linda Vista. Her rich and colorful history with the art of Ballet Folklorico led her to establish her renowned dance ensemble in the heart of Linda Vista, Bayside Community Center, in 2008. Nadia's commitment to her community, her talent at the beloved traditional Mexican dance, and her business savvy found a perfect match in Bayside’s Community Supported Micro-Enterprise Program. She and her ensemble have come a long way since then, but there's more yet to come in the future for Nadia and her group.
Here is Nadia to tell us more about Ballet Folklorico El Tapatio de San Dieguito (BFETdeSD):
Why did you start BFETdeSD? Tell us about your roots.
I started BFET as a result of one of my dreams I had since I was young. That dream was to have my own Ballet Folklorico group through which I can share the richness, diversity, and colorfulness of Mexican Ballet Folklorico. I wanted to share this art especially with the youth so they can experience joy throughout dance. I never planned nor thought that my dream would become a reality, not in my country, but in the United States!
Above: Before founding her dance ensemble, Nadia and her daughter perform alone.
Above: Nadia and her group before their first official performance at the Linda Vista Multi-Cutural Fair in 2009.
Tell us about your vision for BFET.
My vision for BFETdeSD is big! First of all, I really want us to have our own dance studio with enough space for my dancers and I to freely dance through our choreographies. We also want this studio to be equipped with the necessary tools - dance wood floor, mirrors, sound system, color lights, and a big closet for our attires and accessories. Also, we want to have our own bus so we can all go together in the same vehicle to the performances. This would be a huge help to my students’ parents, especially to those with no cars, and those wanting to save on gas. Another vision we have is to expand our performances beyond San Diego, reaching audiences that still are not familiar with Mexican Ballet Folklorico.
Lastly, my personal vision is for this group is to continue on for generations! Actually, that is why I started delegating and mentoring my experienced students so they can continue with this group when my time teaching comes to an end.
Since founding BFETdeSD, Nadia has gone on to expand the group to encompas many age groups and experience levels. The group can still be found practicing in private homes, local institutions and, during the height of the COVID-19 Pandemic, in public parks. With the support of Encinitas Friends of the Arts, Nadia has also gone on to launch a second dance troop, Ballet Folklorico San Diegito, based out of Encinitas.

What does it mean to you to be an artist and a teacher?
Above: Nadia, age 5, performing in Guadalajara, Mexico.
Being an artist and a teacher is everything to me! I am a dancer, rhythm and dance are in my genes! Before knowing what Ballet Folklrico is, I danced. My mom says that when I was little, I used to wear her long skirts and high-heel shoes to dance to the Mexican music she listened to. So when I was five years old, my parents enrolled me in Ballet Folklorico. Since then, I've been practicing this art.
My role as a teacher started early, when I was nine years old, my teacher knew that I practiced Ballet Folklorico. She asked me to teach my classmates, so we could all perform for the whole school and parents; I accepted, and we all performed for them on Mother's Day that year!
Above: Nadia, age 10, performs alongside classmates that she helped instruct.
Above: In between takes for a recent Petco Park promotional video, Nadia takes a moment to continue training her daughter and other advanced students for their role as teachers with her group.
What would you like other people to know about BFET?
I would like other people to know that behind this creation, there is a bittersweet history to tell. There have been challenges, disappointment, fears; but also accomplishments, great satisfactions; and most importantly, I want them to know that there are a lot of people that make these creations possible. Dancers, parents, friends, and the two organizations: Encinitas Friends of the Arts, and Bayside Community Center.
In addition to her role as a performer and instructor, Nadia is also a leader and role model in her neighborhood. As a graduate from Bayside’s Resident Leadership Academy (RLA), she has learned many practical ways to get involved in improving her community both at the grassroots level and with institutional partners. Nadia has co-taught multiple cohorts of Bayside’s Youth RLA, she continues to support Bayside’s Leaders in Action along with several of her dance students, and she cultivates Bayside’s Co-Op garden along with her daugher. All around, Nadia’s example exemplifies Bayside’s vision of a civicly engaged, culturally responsive, entrepenuer and leader.

For more information about booking a performance or, enrollment in either, Ballet Folklorico El Tapatio in San Diego (ages 7+), or Ballet Folklorico de San Diegito in Encinitas (ages 4-6 only), pleaes visit For more information about how to get involved and improve your community please visit or email us at